Felicity George BSc MPhil EBA REPS
Equine Psychology Specialist
One of our amazing students, Venya Bonebakker, produced this video:
Vicky Longden
Eamon & Aero
I had been taking lessons for one year then decided to buy my own horse with no experience of horse ownership, a complete beginner in every way. Felicity not only helped me bond with my horse but her tips and advice mean we understand each other better. I simply want to do the right thing for my horse so she is happy and Felicity has made my steep learning curve enjoyable.
Jennie & Lucy
Louisa Hooks
Jane Ramage & Connor
It caused a lot of hilarity in my family that I had booked what they saw as ‘a horse-shrink’ to sort out my spooky pony. However, all were reassured that I received such good advice and support, significantly lowering the odds of my coming-acropper. A big thanks to Felicity – the cost of her services is very reasonable, given the time and experience she brings to bear. I have passed on her to details to many friends – definitely recommended.